General January 15, 2014

New Year’s Resolution

I have decided that my resolution for 2014 is to work on me time, that is, time to take care of myself, time to attend to my own needs. Somehow I can very easily and pretty consistently overlook my own needs, partly because I am a wife, a mother and working full time. But also, partly because it just happens, like procrastinating. I have been thinking lately about the importance of taking care of me because I can only take care of others in the way that I want to if I am in good shape myself.

I am committing to taking a weekly yoga class in order to ensure that I get some of this me time. My dear friend Elsa suggested the Bikram Classes at Transform Yoga and it sounds pretty appealing (removes toxins, improves mental clarity, reduces & stress). If you are a new guest like me, they have a special introductory rate of $10 for 10 days of unlimited classes.

Thinking about getting into yoga makes me realize how fortunate we are living in Ithaca b a town that embraces healthy living. With Green Star, numerous yoga studios, therapists of all kinds, tons of options for getting outside and exercising (Sapsucker Woods and Greek Peak are a couple of my favorites) and a place that is actually called the Center for Healthy Living.

I hope that you, too, are able to find a New Years Resolution. And KEEP it!
